Remarkably Me!

This year at the preschool, our concluding curriculum unit is All About Me NOW! I found Pat Zietlow Miller’s book “Remarkably You” and felt that it would be the perfect addition to our end of year theme and moving up ceremonies.

My fellow music therapists and I wrote a response song called, “Remarkably Me.” We pulled some of main concepts from the book like celebrating our differences and using our voices to make change, no matter how big or small.


I can be bold, I can be loud

Leading parades, drawing a crowd

I can be timid, I can be shy

Quietly watching my friends go by

Sometimes I am big! Strong, and tall, and grown

Coming and going with friends of my own.

Sometimes I am small; a tiny, little sprout

Learning new things when I’m out and about.

I have the power to be a SURPRISE!

I am capable, caring, courageous, and wise

I will follow my path, be all I can be

Be completely, uniquely, remarkably, ME!

The gestures you see me doing in this video were created to help our students learn the song themselves. Some of our kiddos quickly pick up on key words and approximate the lyrics, while others join us marching and clapping when we sing about being big and bold, or small and timid. We encourage them to join us for the anticipatory “surprise!”, which they love, and “me” during the chorus, which is ASL we model all the time when they’re starting to communicate their wants and needs.

Thank you Pat for creating such a wonderful book! I love the book’s message and I am so excited to share your story with our families this year.

Pat Zietlow Miller’s website

Link to buy the book

Check out the full song here or learn one of the song’s adapted versions for your students:

Version A | Version B | Version C | Version D

Version A - Two verses with gestures

Version B - One verse with gestures

Version C - One verse with gestures + adapted chorus (“This is me”)

Version D - One verse with shakers (loud, soft) + adapted chorus


One Scoop Is Never Enough!